Let's talk about mining software repositories and a promising idea for an open source project

December 8, 2019

A lot of the time, software engineers work with large software bases for which they know little. Moreover. they may feel that the software base is too large and needs refactoring; they might also have some ideas on how to restructure their code but have no guidance or reassurance that what they propose is correct.

This is were software repository mining can help! Mining from software repositories is a software engineering field where software practitioners and researchers use data mining techniques to analyze the data in software repositories to extract useful and actionable information produced by developers during the development process.

More specifically, in this talk Pavlina(*) is goint to discuss her thesis project and how Git, one of the most important version control systems in use today, has been employed as a data source that can be mined and suggest how source code can be refactored around better functional clusters.

Moreover, Pavlina’s tool has been coded as cleanly as possible, following some basic software principles that begs to be expanded and developed into a fully working product. So in this talk possibilities to contribute to this project with the purpose of releasing a production-ready tool in a years time will also be discussed. So, if any of these sounds interesting we are waiting to see you on

(*) Pavilna Mitsou has recently graduated from the Department of Computer Engineering at the International Hellenic University and she works as a junior software engineer in Intrasoft International. She is really enthusiastic about software design and clean code and she enjoys playing table tennis. Let’s meet her!

Date:     Friday, 13th of December 2019
Time:     18:30 - 20:30
Location: Room 2.1 - Informatics Department, International Hellenic University, Serres, Greece

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